Electric Breast Pump

Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99

Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99
Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99

Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99   Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99
Never used, bought before the baby arrival but simply wasn't needed. Comes with all the accessories and bags but without box.
Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99   Momcozy S12 Pro Double Electric Breast Pump LATEST VERSION RRP £138.99